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Happy Tuesday fellow Glow Getters,

We hope you had a great weekend. If things didn't go the way you planned, it's alright. Always live looking forward to another day.

For today's diving and gem-searching, we'll be looking into episode 2! Personally, I have learned so much from this episode on spirituality, to the functions of crystals, and even got super inspired on getting back on track with journaling. I hope you'll be able to relate to me as well!

Episode 2 encapsulates Dr. V's very first guest of The Glow Collective podcast, Amparo Rojas, who is also Dr. V's soul sister in Spirituality. They talked about how cultural differences have affected Amparo, her past self, and how blindly joining a meditation session suddenly led her to her awakening to becoming a spiritual coach. So much to learn from-- so let's dive in!

If you're into meditation then you'd love the centering session that was led by Amparo. She envisioned a tornado to come around us as we try to ride the chaotic winds calmly. What I understood from this picture, is to find peace within calamity and you'll be able to be one with yourself first despite the turmoil others are causing.

What outside distractions have you been too focused on? Try to keep in check with yourself and find your inner peace. If time will pass, so will your hardship.

Amparo shared her personal experiences of being a part of 2 cultures as she moved back and forth from Mexico to the States while growing up in her prime teen years. She shared about how cultural expectations that were imposed by family and friends have wounded her inner child and how she was given the impression that she was supposed to be a certain way by her cultural surroundings. Sometimes we tend to overlook the damage of situations like this. How do we know if cultural differences are negatively impacting you or how do we understand that they cause trauma in the long run? In this episode, Amparo shares her story and how it actually became the reason to her change.

We discover that Dr. V and Amparo have been friends for a very long time, as Dr. V asks Amparo to compare who she was back then to herself now. Like anyone else, Amparo has had her days where she was overworking, living the hustle-grind life with a lot of toxicity cycle in her life. But with her realization in spiritual awakening, her changes become evident as she mentions that the 5 people you surround yourself with have a say on who you're becoming. I find this truly refreshing because it is true! Sometimes you never realize your own changes as they can be super drastic or pleasurable (if it's good for you). So be reminded that it is always nice to have the closest people in your life anchoring you from going astray and seeing the changes you never realized.

You'll never know where life will lead you and what kind of drastic changes will succumb upon you whether you asked for it or not, and like Amparo, her realization in wanting to become a coach happened when she attended a session with a "woman". Coming with little knowledge about spirituality, meditation and healing, she realized that this is what she wanted to do. Now, Amparo herself is a proud healer, coach and she is working with other women who want to be helped! Never underestimate the first-time experiences in your life because you'll never know what other opportunities will emerge afterwards. That's why, Glow Getters, you gotta take that leap of faith and go for it.

This is my fav part; journaling! Amparo talked a lot about her journaling routine and how it plays a big role in her manifestation and meditation. How many of us journal but without the proper intentions to manifest or meditate? I find this very interesting and valuable because there can be so much to just writing about your day or planning your week ahead. In this episode, Amparo shares to Dr. V about her prompts that she uses. One of it being a brain-dump; the usual whatever-flows-out writings. Sometimes you need clarity in your emotions and by writing your heart out, it gives you a clear understanding of what you're feeling, where it is stemming from and even how you can overcome an issue. The wonders of journaling!

Some other ideas Amparo implied to her journaling prompts:

Another big part that Amparo shared in the podcast that inspired her awakening was the moment she heard a friend being so calm about the passing of his grandma. Amparo expressed that the peacefulness her friend portrayed was something that she wanted. When I heard this part, I thought it was beautiful too. How strong and hopeful must a person be in order to be on that level of peace and surrender in a moment of grief?

This episode has taught me a lot on how to find your ground and be honest with yourself with what you want to do from within and to always embrace changes.

Honestly, so many good takes from this episode and so many questions you'd find asking yourself. Reflecting on a good podcast episode is such a healthy practice for your mind and for you to be in check with yourself.

Listen to the full episode for more gems, Glow Getters. I cannot stress enough how inspiring this episode was for me and I hope you'll be able to say the same!

Do listen to the whole podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, now on YouTube and other streaming platforms! Check out our Listen tab for deets.

Your journey is celebrated.

Unleash your glow.


From one Glow Getter to another


Updated: Jun 28, 2021

It's Friday, Glow Getters!

It's that day of the week. Although for some of us, it might just be the beginning of the week and that's okay, let's celebrate the essence of Friday everyday in that case.

In this section of the blog, we're introducing our episodes as we do a little learning and reflecting from the wise words of Dr. V and her guest speakers. In this section, we'll dive and dissect the content and try to understand the messages conveyed in a third person's perspective--something fun, insightful and fresh for The Glow Collective and their Glow Getters!

Let's talk first episode! The doors to The Glow Collective podcast. In this episode, Dr. V talks about her intentions and her hopes in what she has stocked for the podcast along with some heartfelt motivation-- I personally needed it.

Welcome to The Glow Collective podcast! This series is dedicated to upgrading your consciousness in all facets, including rewiring your relationship with yourself and life through deep diving into your mindset, behavior, skin care, health, and wellness—all while launching into new avenues of connection and growth. We’ll cover creative hacks to start and grow your own side (or main) hustle, the art of true mastery, and being an expert in your field. We can’t wait to get started! In this inaugural episode, your host Dr. V will be introducing herself and opening the dialogue about what “The Glow'' is. Listen in as she shares what prompted the creation of this podcast and her vision behind it. You will learn how to hear your soul's calling, how to raise your glow, and why you must understand your "why." If you have been questioning whether you are on the right track or searching for more in life, this is the show for you.

Excerpt from Show Notes (visit the Listen tab)

Dr. V introduces us to a whole new experience and perspective by allowing us to understand where the glow in us should spark from. As a dermatologist, she talks about skincare as she injects the ideas of inner glow through the understanding of spirituality and the depths of it.

The reason she established this podcast is because she wants to share how she became the person that she is today. Dr. V reminds us that we're all people who struggle no matter where we're at in life. As for her, having her own private practice as a Board Certified Dermatologist is no joke nor game as she dwells with her own struggles. Let's appreciate that she is acknowledging the hardship but is still finding the positivity to keep pushing forward. Just because we are comfortable, does not mean we are granted comfort at every level in life. So get ready Glow Getters. Buckle up and ride the journey to find your glow.

The Glow we preach here at The Glow Collective is not just the apparent glow you wear on your face, but it's a feeling of contentment that you understand is within yourself. And when you feel good, you express goodness. The glow cannot be achieved by being materialistic while you neglect your spirituality and moral values.

Dr. V talks about how this podcast is for the Glow Getters that believe in a higher power, a divine being; God, that will allow you to grow and change as she reminds us that there is always that push that acts as a catalyst for us.

We might not notice as we live our days but there is constant change in everything and everywhere. Whether we like it or not, change is necessary. It might be uncomfortable and unexpected but it always delivers a purpose at the end of the day. Dr. V states that the energy we receive and give from one another is the change. So be mindful of all your doings and words that you express.

Keep working on ourselves, Glow Getters, because Rome was defo not built overnight. Slow progress is always a build-up for our success and we just can't wait on gathering all the strength and courage together to be the best versions of ourselves.

Glow Getters,

In the podcast, Dr. V believes that we are capable of so much in life but our anxiety is always in the way. You know it, we know it but we should never let that be a barrier in between accessing our goals.

Dr. V also discussed about her failures in life; one of it being an almost-impossible pathway into pursuing her medical career. Her resilience and desire in getting to where she wants to be has been the catalyst of her journey. Can't go wrong with having a Glow Getter burning passion like that, huh?

We all have our unaware-of self-destructive habits and Dr. V mentions that it is all just normal for growth. Whether you're ready to look into or not, if it's not beneficial, let's snap out of it and start healing.

This episode is definitely a wake-up call for all of us. It's a knock on the door to spiritual awakening and understanding that your damages might be done-did but they're always healing in some way. Dr. V puts the real definition of intention into place as she shares her firsthand struggles in this episode.

Listen to the episode until the end for her self-reflecting questions and answer them honestly for your own sake. I did, and I realized some things in me that never surfaced.

So, never underestimate the power of intention and like how Dr. V said it, it takes darkness to know light.

We hope you enjoyed reading this segment and found it inspiring and insightful!

Do listen to the whole podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, now on YouTube and other streaming platforms! Check out our Listen tab for deets.

Your journey is celebrated.

Unleash your glow.


Glow Getter


Hey, Glow Getters!

We hope you had a wonderful weekend and that your new week is better. We hope you are allowing yourself to regenerate and open up to new opportunities.

Here at The Glow Collective, we are always excited to share our wonderful achievements even if its the smallest wins. Any journey is neither hard nor easy; it will be whatever YOU allow it to be. If it's hard for you, make space for you to see the brighter side because there will always be progress no matter how long it takes. And if it's easy, appreciate it and encourage those who need it too.

We believe in working hard and working smart, so continue pushing through and put trust in your abilities. With that being said, we want to share this long awaited news!

We are finally on Apple Podcasts!

For all you Apple product lovers, this is something great as accessing our podcast is now easier for you :)

Super grateful!

On Apple Podcasts, not only can you listen and download to our episodes, but you can also leave a comment, rate, subscribe and share! So do leave your reviews, rate us, share the love of our content and who knows, you'll be our first lucky winner for our giveaway*! *WINKS*

Do catch our newest episodes every Wednesday on any of these streaming platforms, all links listed below!

This week's (June 21-June 27) episode is Episode 4: Master Your Routine: Are You An Over-Exfoliator?

Listen to the episodes here:

Your love is always appreciated and celebrated, Glow Getters. Thank you for being here with us.

Unleash your glow,

Dr. V

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